Enforcement Measures available in Civil Lawsuits in China

Enforcement Measures available in Civil Lawsuits in China
If a person fails to meet their legal responsibilities as specified by a court order, they must disclose their financial situation to the court for the preceding year. Fines or jail may be levied on the individual or their legal representative if they refuse to report or submit inaccurate information. The court may also freeze, transfer, or sell the person being executer's assets to satisfy their debts but must guarantee that their essential living expenditures are not harmed.
The court may also confiscate and extract the executed individual's money to satisfy their commitments, although their essential living needs must be evaluated anew. If the person being executed fails to obey the court's instructions, the court may take further actions such as auctioning or selling their assets or even compelling them to leave their house or property. If the person being executed conceals their assets, the court can seek a search warrant to find and take them.
The court may also seek help from appropriate units to transfer property rights or certificates of ownership, with the person being executed bearing the expenses of implementing the orders. Suppose the person being executed fails to pay their obligations on time. In that case, they may be asked to pay extra interest, and failing to comply may result in travel restrictions, public publication of their noncompliance, and other legal procedures.
In short, these measures provide the People's Court with the tools to implement court decisions and guarantee that legal duties are satisfied. They are intended to defend the rights and interests of individuals as well as society as a whole, as well as to uphold the rule of law.

Practising lawyers

Robert Zhang

An international lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degreePublish…

Steve Li

An international lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degreePublish…


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