Formal Requirements for Hearing Record

Formal Requirements for Hearing Record
A transcript or written record of hearing should be signed by the member(s) of the arbitral tribunal, the transcriber/preparer, the claimant, the respondent, any witnesses, experts, appraisers, interpreters, etc., who have participated in the arbitration proceedings, and should also carry the seal of the arbitration institute.

A signed and sealed transcript or written record of hearing may be made available to the claimant and the respondent at their request.

After it is signed and sealed, the transcript or written record of hearing should be used by the arbitral tribunal as a reference and basis for making an award, whether interim or final.

Provided, however, that the three arbitrators, in the case of a three-arbitrator tribunal, should make an award based on their majority opinion.

If they cannot reach a majority opinion, the award should be based on the opinion of the chief/presiding arbitrator. In such a case, the dissenting arbitrator may agree or refuse to have his opinion recorded in the award.

Practising lawyers

Robert Zhang

An international lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degreePublish…

Steve Li

An international lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degreePublish…


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