PRC Arbitration Law: Hearing -1

PRC Arbitration Law: Hearing -1
(These clauses are selected from China Arbitration Law and Its Interpretations authored by Robert Zhang and Steve Li, international arbitration attorneys registered in Shanghai, China.)
Article 39 A hearing shall be held for arbitration unless the parties agree not to hold a hearing, in which case the arbitral tribunal may make an award according to the request for arbitration, the answer, and other submissions.
Article 40 Arbitration proceedings shall not be conducted in public unless the parties agree that they may take place in public and no state secrets are involved.
Article 41 The arbitration commission shall notify the parties of the date of hearing within the time period specified in the arbitration rules. Either party may request a postponement of the hearing for good cause shown within the time period specified in the arbitration rules. The arbitration tribunal shall decide whether to grant a postponement.

Practising lawyers

Robert Zhang

An international lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degreePublish…

Steve Li

An international lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degreePublish…


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