Judicial Review of Arbitration Cases – Related to a Domestic Case

    Judicial Review of Arbitration Cases – Related to a Domestic Case
    If an arbitral award rendered outside of mainland China is related to a case admitted by a court of mainland China, and neither the domicile nor the property of the debtor is located in mainland China, the petition for recognizing such arbitral award falls under the jurisdiction of the court that has admitted the related case, unless the court is a district or township court.
    If such court is a district or township court, the petition should be submitted to the court at the next higher level. But if such court is a high court or the Supreme Court, the petition should be reviewed by the high court or the Supreme Court or an intermediate court they designate.
    If an arbitral award rendered outside of mainland China is related to a case admitted by an arbitration commission/institution in mainland China, and neither the domicile nor the property of the debtor is located in mainland China, the petition for recognizing such arbitral award falls under the jurisdiction of the intermediate court in the place of such arbitration commission/institution.
    Practising lawyers

    Robert Zhang

    An international lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degreePublish…

    Steve Li

    An international lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degreePublish…
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