Judicial Review of Arbitration Cases - Submissions

    Judicial Review of Arbitration Cases - Submissions
    If a disputing party has a doubt about the validity of an arbitration agreement or clause, they may file a petition for confirming its validity with a court of competent jurisdiction, generally an intermediate or higher level court, accompanied by the following documents:
    1. Personal information of both parties, including his name, date of birth, nationality, residence, contact information, etc., if a party is an individual, or the name, registered address, or legal representatives, actual controllers or other representatives, if a party is an entity;
    2. The original arbitration agreement or the agreement containing an arbitration clause;
    3. A translated version of the arbitration agreement or the agreement containing an arbitration clause, if the original is written in a foreign language;
    4. A specific request for confirming the validity and the reasons for the request;
    5. Other necessary information required by the court.
    Practising lawyers

    Robert Zhang

    An international lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degreePublish…

    Steve Li

    An international lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degreePublish…
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