Cases of Family Disputes Based on Violation of Ethical and Moral Principles Are Inadmissible

Cases of Family Disputes Based on Violation of Ethical and Moral Principles Are InadmissibleA complaint must contain a specific claim and the facts and grounds for the claim in order to be admitted. And a claim on the ground of violation of ethical and moral principles by family members, especially spouses, is not a spe…

Which Parent Can Get Child Custody in Divorce

Which Parent Can Get Child Custody in Divorce Disputes between a husband and wife over child custody may be settled in their divorce agreement reached through negotiation. If they fail to reach an agreement thereon, the problem may be resolved through mediation in court or by a court decree. When making a decision on th…

Can Spouses Claim Damages against Each Other

Can Spouses Claim Damages against Each Other Legal Grounds for a claim for damages between spousesIf either spouse is at fault for the alienation of their marital relationship, the other spouse who is not at fault, the innocent spouse, may claim damages against the spouse at fault based on the grounds stipulated in Arti…

Absence of an Arbitration Agreement before a Dispute Arises

Absence of an Arbitration Agreement before a Dispute Arises Can the parties to a dispute refer to arbitration if they fail to reach an arbitration agreement before the dispute arises? The answer is yes. It makes no difference whether an arbitration agreement is reached before or after a dispute arises. An arbitration a…
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Practising lawyers

Robert Zhang

An international lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degreePublish…

Steve Li

An international lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degreePublish…
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