​The Effect of the IBA's Revised Evidence Standards on International Arbitration

The IBA's revised evidence-taking regulations will go into effect on January 1, 2020. The new guidelines are intended to cut the costs of international arbitration by streamlining the evidence-taking procedure. Enabling parties to submit evidence in electronic form, encouraging the use of expert witnesses, and intro…

The 5 Most Significant Advantages of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration

The 5 Most Significant Advantages of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Business Arbitration is a collection of legal principles that regulate international commercial arbitration. The Model Law was established by the United Nations Committee on Interna…

Jurisdiction of China litigation

Jurisdiction is a basic notion in law that relates to a court's power to hear and resolve a specific matter. In China, there are two types of jurisdiction: level jurisdiction and territorial jurisdiction. The ability of separate courts to consider matters of varying complexity is called level jurisdiction. Unless ot…

International commercial arbitration: everything you need to know

International commercial arbitration: everything you need to knowThe settlement of disagreements between two or more parties to a business contract via an impartial arbitrator who is not a party to the contract is known as international business arbitration. Every commercial contract, including those for selling product…

The Benefits of International Arbitration

The Benefits of International ArbitrationWhen there is a dispute between two or more parties to a contract, international arbitration is the most effective method for resolving it. This strategy has the potential to totally e playing field since, in perdition court procedures, it is both faster and less expensive. On th…

What is the difference between international arbitration and litigation?

What is the difference between international arbitration and litigation?International arbitration vs. litigation is crucial to understanding when two parties are at odds. Before choosing one, it's important to compare their key differences. Arbitration is faster and more expensive than litigation. It's more pri…
Practising lawyers

Robert Zhang

An international lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degreePublish…

Steve Li

An international lawyer registered in Shanghai, China. Master's degreePublish…
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